Weight Loss Isn’t Always Logical …..

Weight loss isn’t rocket science- it’s a process that can be intentionally set in motion by creating a negative energy balance.  That’s simply where your body burns more calories than it takes in from your food sources.  As long as you don’t drop your calories quickly and for extended periods of time, the caloric deficit will prompt your body to use stored reserves of fat (and in some cases muscle) as an energy source to make up for the missing calories needed to keep you going.  Over time, it leads to a reduction in overall body mass. Pretty simple if you look at it that way.

Even easier to understand are the benefits.  If you are overweight and lose weight, you decrease the likelihood of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and osteoarthritis.

Weight loss also increases the survival rates of those already suffering from obesity related diseases.

It’s logical thus, that to combat the increasing rates of obesity here in developed countries, everyone should understand the simple formulas for weight loss.  But it isn’t about logic, and as long as weight loss is seen as a problem that can be solved by applications of what some might see as simple science, it won’t work.

In today’s world, just about everyone with a weight problem is acutely aware that weight loss comes from a combination of diet and exercise.  It is everywhere- television, books, internet, you name it. Yet over the past 20 years or so, in spite of the increased access to weight loss information, there has been an steadily increasing rate of obesity.

Losing weight shouldn’t be that hard- but it most certainly is!

Cold Facts As An Obstacle To Weight Loss

Aside from the noise created by fad diets, fad exercise trends and weight loss supplements that do little or nothing at all to help people lose weight, and media bombardment from profit driven pharmaceutical as well as fitness related industries that benefit from an overweight population, there are very real barriers to weight loss that are seldom addressed.  A conscientious man or woman who does their homework and asks the right questions of the right people, can learn what is real and what isn’t.  It’s hard, given the background noise, but not impossible and there are some great, proven sources out there.  However, even those armed with the best information possible, in most cases still don’t achieve the weight loss results they are looking for.  The problem stems not always from the cold, hard facts of thermodynamics, but from the very shifting and complex aspects of our emotions.

In Western societies, the way we acquire knowledge, think and solve problems can be broken down into two basic approaches- Apollonian or Dionysian.

The Apollonian approach, named after the Greek god Apollo, who represented, among other things, truth and a sense of order- is one where we employ a very pragmatic and logical thought process.

The Dionysian approach, named after the Greek god Dionysius- the god of wine, ecstasy and intoxification, focuses however on our emotions.  Our feelings and how we relate to the world on a very personal level.

In today’s world, we tend to give more validity to Apollonian ways of solving problems. Science and facts are seen as truth and a superior way of problem solving, relegating more emotional and subjective based methods to a more subordinate role, since feelings can’t be easily quantified as factual information can. But it wasn’t always like this.

Weight Loss Comes From An Understanding Of Our Emotions

From the beginning of our existence as human beings, we have needed to employ both approaches to solving our problems, and neither was considered to be superior to the other.  The logic based Apollonian process, has always been crucial to our survival.  It allows us to function effectively in the world by controlling our environment, creating tools, organizing society and planning for the future.  As important as this forward looking and logical approach may be, it does not answer or address all the conditions we experience as human beings.  An Apollonian thought processes and is meant for interaction with an external reality.  It can’t help us cope with loss, express our love or find meaning in life itself. For these issues, we turned to the Dionysian approach.  Myth, religion, philosophy and tradition, all spring from this way of looking at the world.  Practices that help us find our way in an often overwhelmingly confusing world.

There will, therefore, always be problems unsolved by approaches completely reliant on hard scientific facts, especially those that are of a personal and intimate nature to begin with.  Our global problem of obesity is a prime example.  Seen by many administrators, governing officials and experts in the field, as a problem remedied by the logical application of diet and exercise, this way has obviously failed.  And continues to fail.   If anything, this plan of attack has had the opposite effect, as obesity rates keep climbing over the years.    It isn’t surprising if you consider what we eat and what we do, (diet and exercise), falls squarely into the realm of our emotions- not our analytical thought processes. In twenty years of working with people to help them lose weight, what I learned is that weight loss is all about self control. One of the hardest and most difficult mountains for any of us to climb.  To accomplish this Herculean task, people don’t need facts- they need patience, inspiration, understanding and support.

Weight loss is about intimately changing our lives and leaving behind the person that we once were to become someone new.

Like any new life coming into the world, this rebirth is a delicate and very often painful process where you have to deal with many complex and emotional issues.

The Change Required To Lose Weight Is A Major Emotional Undertaking

As difficult as it sounds, this is still an over-simplification of the challenges each of us face with our own inner demons and obstacles to changing our lives.  When I started as a life coach, I had a good understanding from years of dieting myself that I had the basic skills to help people lose weight and keep it off.  And what’s more I had a god idea of how much more it entailed!

Helping my clients lose weight meant having a nonjudgmental and always listening ear.  It meant being a constant source of support and it meant always doing your best to inspire and helping them go forward one day at a time.  Early on, I thought one diet, with some slight modifications, would fit everyone and boy, was I wrong! I had no inkling that I would spend hours, days and months going back and forth with my clients to create new eating plans that not only would help them lose weight, but also that would fit into their lives.

I learned that food forms a narrative in our lives, establishes order, influences our emotions, creates and sealing bonds and can’t just be changed to fit a one-size-fits-all mold. It calls for small steps, and a deep respect for the way people look at their foods, if there is any hope of helping them change.

Meeting people where they are, walking with them along paths of self discovery has little to do with science, but without objective facts, we wouldn’t have all the tools we need to make weight loss a reality.  One of the consequences of living in a logic dominated environment is the illusion that we, ourselves, are primarily logical beings.  An overweight personal is a choice examples of how paradoxical our behavior can be.  But even closer to home, each of us, at some point in our lives, has left logic far behind when we get involved in questionable relationships.  Leaving us asking ourselves what in the world we were thinking in the first place!  We are indeed emotional beings.  So in the end, we need balanced approaches if we strive to do such difficult tasks like as losing weight and changing our lives.  Apollonian roads have their uses, but what we also need today are sources of inspiration, compassion and understanding.

If you would like to know more about my life coaching for weight loss please contact AfreshMe@rocketmail.com

My friends have lost weight we follow same plan so when will I see a loss?

Factors That Affect Weight Loss

We can never compare our weight loss results to another individual unless by some freak coincidence that person matches us genetically, metabolically, enzymatically and completes EXACTLY the same workout routines as you…….the chances are slim!

Several factors play a role in your ability to lose weight and the good news is that many of the points listed below are factors that YOU, as an individual, can have some degree of influence over! Let’s take a look at them now.

Breakfast choice

Cereals are one of the worst breakfast choices an individual can make! Society (or clever marketing) has conditioned us to believe that we are a nation that has very little time and that making this choice of cereal in the morning is the best option and will deliver important nutrients and heart healthy whole grains. The reality is that many of these so called ‘foods’ serve to provide us with sugar, additives and processed carbohydrates. Add in some fruit and a nice glass of orange juice and there you have it, a massive insulin spike followed swiftly by fat storage and a feeling of tiredness!

The key here is to chuck in some protein first thing in the morning. Eggs were a staple breakfast for many years and provide beneficial fats to help you with fat loss. Other things to consider are Quinoa (keen-waa), nuts, seeds with a good helping of fresh veggies or crudites.  Personally I like grilled or poached chicken breasts (1/4)  for breakfast with a small portion of scramble egg.

Exercise Approach

Let’s look back at my 5 points from earlier. If two individuals are eating exactly the same diet, one has chosen to spend 60 mins on the X-trainer three times per week and the other chooses a full body weight training routine three times per week then the effect on the body’s composition is very different therefore having a very different result on the scales.

You see, when you weight train you stress the muscle and force it to adapt. The body adapts by adding more muscle to be able to cope with the added load forced upon it. Another way in which the body adapts is by increasing the bone density, again, to allow the body to cope with the added load. By increasing these two things, yes, your weight on the scales may stay the same or go up but its NOT a bad thing. Firstly, an increase in bone density can help ward off osteoporosis and osteo-arthritis and enables you to have a nice store of beneficial minerals in times of need and secondly, and increase in muscle mass will speed up your metabolism therefore you will keep burning fat even after you leave the gym!

So you see, the person doing the weight training may not be losing much weight on the scales but is probably losing more of the wobbly stuff……FAT!!  That’s the name of the game get rid of the wobbly bits and the battle is half won.

Stress Levels

I’m going to be honest with you here. You might be doing everything right, grazing on your lunch box, drinking loads of water and lots of exercise but if your stress levels are high, it just isn’t going to happen!

Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal cortex in the adrenal glands. Cortisol is a FAT STORING HORMONE making the body insensitive to insulin and it particularly contributes to fat storage around the tummy!

Find ways to reduce your stress and start losing fat.  You will be surprised that how finding the “gym-bug” your stress levels will reduce.


As we age our metabolic rate slows due in part to a reduction in muscle mass. Another reason to add in a full body weight training routine!


I’m not going to tell you to go have more (although it might add to your total daily energy expenditure!), but males have a much higher metabolic rate than that of females. You know what I’m going to say here……start weight training ladies.

Water Intake

You hear it all the time ‘drink more water’ but you don’t know why. This is a simple one. Your friend might simply be drinking more water and although it might put more weight on the scales, you’ll actually burn more fat. The liver is an important organ heavily involved in the oxidation of fat (fat burning) and an efficient liver is a hydrated liver and a hydrated liver that is efficient will burn fat like there’s no tomorrow!


Some of us have to take medications but unfortunately due to the fact that they are foreign to the body, there will be side effects. Some of these can cause weight gain or make it very difficult to lose weight.

Common drugs that can cause weight gain and slow weight loss are insulin, corticosteroids, beta blockers.

Gut Health

Many of us are deficient in Hydrocloric Acid (stomach acid) hindering our ability to absorb all of the important nutrients that help us to lose fat, Protein, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B to name a few. The reason? Stress!

Our food and the nutrients contained within it will remain, putrefying in the gut causing bloating and gas. Not a good feeling and certainly not helping with that number on the scale or giving you the proper nutrition to achieve your fat loss goals.

Try supplementing with HCL (Hydrocloric Acid) and a pro biotic and of course, stop stressing!

So there you go there are plenty of good reasons why your weight loss results might be different to someone else’s. So, when you’re down or disheartened about your results on the scales it’s important to remember that you may actually be losing fat AND achieving your goals.

Remember, people don’t walk around with their weight on display!