Abdominoplasty – The Tummy Tuck


Are you unhappy with your mid-section?

Do you carry a few extra pounds around your belly?

Have you ever considered plastic surgery to remedy this problem?

If so, you might want to consult with a plastic surgeon to find out whether or not you are a good candidate for abdominoplasty.

This is a surgical procedure more commonly known as a tummy tuck.

The people who most commonly have this surgery are women, especially those that have given birth multiple times. This results in the skin and abdominal muscles being stretched beyond the point where they can return to normal on their own.

Ideal candidates for this type of surgery are people who have weak muscles, have extra skin that protrudes from the abdomen, and are at a stable weight.

People who are significantly overweight do not make good candidates for this type of surgery. The doctor might recommend that they lose some weight or possibly undergo liposuction before having the surgery performed.

The surgeon will determine whether or not a person is an ideal candidate during the pre-surgical consultation.

The actual abdominoplasty procedure is performed under general anesthesia but on an outpatient basis.

A full tummy tuck takes roughly 2-3 hours to perform, while a mini tummy tuck requires about 1-2 hours of surgery time.


The procedure will leave the patient with a scar across the waistline, but these can usually be hidden without too much trouble. Most patients do not mind the scar since they have a flatter tummy!

Following the procedure patients will be prescribed pain medication to help manage their discomfort.
– They will also have a surgical dressing and special drains that are left in place.
– Any type of strenuous activity should be avoided for at least 3-4 weeks after the surgery, and some patients may find it difficult to stand up straight immediately following the surgery.
– The doctor will recommend that patients begin walking as soon as possible.
– Recovery time varies by patient, but it is usually 2-4 weeks before a person returns to work. During this time a little light exercise is OK, as it may actually aid in the healing process. Exercise is actually very beneficial, in that it helps reduce swelling, tone muscles, and reduces the risk of blood clots.
– The scars from surgery will remain very noticeable for about 3-6 months, but by 9-12 months they begin to flatten and get lighter in color.

Just like any surgical procedure, abdominoplasty is not without some risk.
– Anytime a person goes under anesthesia there is a risk, and in rare cases infection or blood clots can occur.
– Smokers are at a higher risk for post-surgical complications, so the doctor may advise patients to quit smoking well in advance of their surgery.

Regardless of any possible risks or complications, many women feel that abdominoplasty is still much more beneficial than harmful.

Once a person has made the decision to have this surgery, they need to do a consult with an experienced surgeon. Together the two of you will determine whether this procedure is the right one for you.

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